
Our dataset gives us unique insight into what UK Companies & their Investors need to know about the Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability and ESG landscapes

Livvie Kirkbride Livvie Kirkbride

Unlocking ESG Opportunities in the Small-Cap Market

As ESG data and disclosure improves in this market segment, Small-Cap investment managers can, by using the right tools, make smarter investment decisions based on relevant ESG factors, engage companies on the right topics at the right time and ultimately, drive value.

As the only provider to cover all of AIM and the Small-Cap segment of the main market, Addidat via our ESG platform, is able provide investors with the data, tools and analysis to unlock ESG opportunities and provide insights into the potential winners and losers of tomorrow in this evolving space.

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Livvie Kirkbride Livvie Kirkbride

Understanding the Gender Pay Gap and How Small-Cap Companies Are Performing

Whilst the UK's pay gap creeps slowly downwards, Addidat's data provides insights into the challenges for smaller firms.

The UK government's increasing focus on pay equity, as evidenced by the proposed Employment Rights Bill, underscores the ongoing relevancy of creating diverse workforces. For many small-caps, while not directly targeted by the current bill, they should be mindful of the evolving regulatory landscape and consider implementing proactive strategies.

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Beth Scaysbrook Beth Scaysbrook

The Growing Importance of ESG in M&A

For UK small-caps, considering ESG in M&A is increasingly critical - sellers must embed it in their investment case, while buyers must identify risks early in the deal process and integrate ESG into decision criteria and valuations.

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Beth Scaysbrook Beth Scaysbrook

Climate-Related Risks and Opportunities - The Evolution of TCFD-Aligned Reporting

Our data shows the number of AIM firms reporting climate-related risks and opportunities is likely to increase significantly in 2024, including several firms reporting on a voluntary basis. In this article we’ve provided the background on TCFD, as well as insights from our data on current reporting by AIM participants, and recommendations from our experience supporting our clients to meet these new mandatory reporting requirements.

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Beth Scaysbrook Beth Scaysbrook

Lost in Nature. Understanding a Company's Impact

You are just getting your head around climate change, and someone throws into the mix, “but what about the impact of your business on nature?” A primer for helping small-caps begin to understand TNFD.

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Beth Scaysbrook Beth Scaysbrook

Paying the Real Living Wage - A Social Opportunity

With the ever-increasing regulations, societal awareness, and growing stakeholder expectations on the E of ESG, the S, social, can be more challenging for companies to find time to focus on, unpick, and demonstrate commitment and progress. One option is to pay staff the real Living Wage, and to become an accredited Living Wage Employer.

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Beth Scaysbrook Beth Scaysbrook

ESG - Getting Out the Starting Block

It can be a big leap between, knowing you that need to do something, and knowing what to do to achieve it. This is a real challenge for many AIM listed firms considering where to start with an ESG strategy. In this short article, we explain how to go about it and how we are helping firms with this challenge.

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Beth Scaysbrook Beth Scaysbrook

ESG - What's Material About Materiality?

"Setting an ESG strategy? Undertake a materiality assessment first…" In this article, we explain what materiality means in the world of ESG, why it's important and the different elements to consider in undertaking an assessment.

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Beth Scaysbrook Beth Scaysbrook

ESG - Understanding Investors

As highlighted in the recent QCA report, investor expectations on small and medium-cap firms are increasing and will likely continue to rise. In this article, we introduce the key actors and the different pressures arising from three core investors (shareholders, creditors and insurance providers) and what this can mean for firms.

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Beth Scaysbrook Beth Scaysbrook

Carbon Offsetting, Carbon Neutral and Net Zero

What are they and why should small-cap company boards care? In this short article we explain the key terms, challenges and thoughts on how small-cap company boards can navigate this delicate balancing act.

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